In this episode of Privacy Files, we talk to Cindy Cohn, an American civil liberties attorney and the Executive Director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).
In 2018, Forbes named Cindy one of America’s Top 50 Women in Tech.
Cindy’s passion for internet law spans decades and has put her in the middle of landmark legal cases involving privacy, censorship and the Fourth Amendment.
We begin the episode by discussing Cindy’s lead role in the case of Bernstein vs. Department of Justice, challenging the United States’ export restrictions on cryptography.
Today, written software code is speech protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
In all, we discuss a variety of topics from Big Tech’s surveillance capitalism model to where the privacy legal battlefield is today.
It was an honor to interview someone playing such a prominent role in defending Americans’ rights to live privately and free from censorship.
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Check out the EFF’s podcast How to Fix the Internet: