Episode 62: Search Engines and Privacy


In 2015, Dr. Robert Epstein, a psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, made world news.

Dr. Epstein was one of the authors of a groundbreaking study that found that Google’s search ranking algorithm could influence how people vote.

Even more shocking, according to Dr. Epstein, “We estimate, based on win margins in national elections around the world, that Google could determine the outcome of upwards of 25 percent of all national elections.”

And just exactly how could Google do this? By simply changing the order of positive and negative stories appearing in search results.

In this episode of Privacy Files, we talk to someone who is trying to give the world a more “honest search engine.”

Kristin Jackson is the Co-Founder and President of Freespoke Search, a search engine designed to provide balanced search results, promote free speech, and protect your privacy.

We begin by discussing some of the inherent problems with existing search engine options and how Kristin found herself in the center of the fight against Google.
Then we discuss what Freespoke Search is doing to shake up the search engine industry.

We also cover Freespoke Search’s unique business model and how it differs from the competition.

Toward the end of the interview, Kristin talks about how she protects her personal data and offers some advice to the audience for becoming more private.

To Learn More about Freespoke Search:

To Learn More about Kristin Jackson:

Links Referenced:

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